SAG Awards

 I was NOT planning on touching the SAG awards this year. After watching the Golden Globes, I feel like celebrities have become extremely safe in regards to fashion and the red carpet.  But watching snippets of the pre-show coverage, I noticed a lot of stars taking risks this year. It could be attributed to many…

Best Of: Golden Globes

Tina & Amy did it again, and I have to say – I seriously didn’t expect it. Hosting can be the best or worst thing for a celebrity these days, and I’m glad they knocked it out of the park. Although my wins didn’t stack up the way I thought (I love drinking games for…

‘Flix Picks

Coco here, with another dose of what’s coming at cha this season on Netflix. There’s nothing like curling up with a tall glass of red wine, tons of chocolates and watching your favorite binges. If you’re a reader of the blog, you know I STAY obsessed with some Netflix. So many good choices. So many childhood…

Golden Globe Picks

In a week we’ll embark on our first awards show of the season, The Golden Globes. Catering to the true spirit of the season, we’ve gone through the list and picked out our favs for the upcoming soiree. There are some good nominees this year – so, the show shouldn’t be too uneventful. Best Actress…

“My Black Story is Deeper Than The Boat Ride Over”

    If you’ve been on the internet recently you know there’s been a lot of talk about Azealia Banks.  If you know her, then you already know that her personality is huge. She says what she wants and makes absolutely no apologies.  With her there’s a very thin line between being rebellious/crazy and being…

I Swear, I’ll Never Give It Up: The OTR Tour

“Who wants that perfect love story anyways? Cliche, cliche, cliche…” Concerts seem to be one-in-a-million. Everywhere you go, someone’s on tour, or performing at music festival, or live streaming a special concert abroad. In the information age, it seems if you see one performance-you’ve seen them all. But alas, all concerts are not created equal…

Let Her Bey

If you’ve flipped through our site just once, then you know we love us some Beyoncé.  Recently, one of our Twitter followers asked our opinion on a recent Huffington Post  article calling Beyoncé’s feminism into question.  There wasn’t enough space on Twitter to fully explain my opinion, and this article reminded me of a post…

A Golden Recap

Break out the champagne, TiVo and hash-tags because the time has finally come: award season! Normally our excitement begins and ends with the red carpet, but with Tina & Amy hosting-we changed our rituals and tuned into the actual program this year. And-they did not disappoint! Whoever said comedy sequels don’t work underestimated the impact…

Taste Testing | Cocktails For The Holidays

CHRISTMAS DRINKS. They keep you cheery during the holidays, even when you’re family doesn’t. My mother’s pomegranate mimosas is a Christmas morning tradition + sparked my curiosity to try new things. After a few unfortunate recipe experiments, I’ve come up with a few of my favorite to take you into the new year. I can only…

Hi, My Name Is…

It took 3 albums and a slew of media attacks, but the Real Slim Shady has finally stood up. When I heard Eminem was releasing a ‘sequel’ to easily one of my favorite albums ever, I was definitely skeptical as his last few albums have been dramatically less than…thrilling. Needless to say, as soon as…

Fashion Roundup: NYFW

There are still a few more days left in NYFW, but there have been so many great designers already-it’s hard to wait! Here’s my first quick wrap-up of the must-have collections from this past week. So many prints, colors and fabrics this season, it makes me really really excited. I’m also inspired by all the…

Happy Birthday Bey!

Considering we just experienced the greatness that is a Beyonce concert, it’s only right we show a little love on Mrs. Carter’s birthday! The fight to the front of this concert is definitely one for the storybooks, but the reward was worthwhile. An up-close and personal taste of Beyonce is just what the doctor ordered,…