20 #FashionHacks To Keep You On Your Budget

Man, I love fashion – there’s no denying that.

What I love even more? Extending the shelf life of my clothes, which I do often. It’s not uncommon for me to make a maxi dress into a long skirt, or a scarf into a shirt. It’s kind of, just what I do. 

In the spirit of that, I wanted to share some fashion hacks that I’ve come to love. They range from easy tricks to making completely new outfits. 
Why spend $ on something when you can do yourself, AMIRIGHT ladies?!

 1. Use a straightener to iron your shirt collar. 

2. White wine WILL remove red wine. 

3. To stop angora from shedding, put it in a ziplock bag and freeze it for at least 3 hours. 

enhanced-buzz-31973-1376666708-49Image via Buzzfeed DIY

4. If you can’t keep your zipper up on your jeans, try a keychain on the end of the zipper. Put the ring around the button, and it stays hidden when you button your jeans close. 

5. Clean dirt off of suede shoes by using a nail file. 

6. Fix the underwire poking out of your bra with adhesive moleskin. 

7. Put a tank in between your button-up and sweater for a smoothing effect. 


Image via Listotic

8. Put nail polish on loose buttons to keep them from falling off.

9.  Clear nail polish also stops a run in your tights.

10. Save on buying legwarmers, and cut up an old sweater.


Image via Listotic

11. Fix a broken zipper with petroleum jelly and a Q-tip.

12. Baby wipes + deodorant stains = PROBLEM SOLVED.

13. Use shaving cream to remove makeup (mostly foundation) from your clothes.



Image via Listotic

15. Use Windex (or any glass cleaner) to shine up those patent leather heels.

16. M&J Trimming‘s perfect way to make a new hat.

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17. Tuck the top of your maxi dress into your waistline, and secure with a belt for a maxi skirt.

18. Iron your button up shirt inside out.

19. Make your t-shirts super soft by leaving them in salt water (1 quart water & 1/2 cup of salt).

20. Finally, DIY for this amazing clutch and save some serious moolah.
(because, you would probably ruin the bag while out and about, anyways.)


Don’t forget to continue sharing your favorite DIY tips (and your Don’ts!). Drop us a line, or find us on social media.

Facebook: Tiff & Coco 
Twitter: @_tiffandcoco
IG: @courtneysimp

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Smart!

    It’d really appreciate it if you visitetd my fashion & lifestyle blog https://theradiantcherie.wordpress.com/ I’ve launched recently and need some support! Thanks in advance ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. avibrantday says:

    Brilliant ideas!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. acauslander says:

    Reblogged this on College To Grown Up – A New Apartment and commented:
    I am going to knit some faux leg warmers with inspiration from this lovely post!! I’ll post pics soon!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. acauslander says:

    Im going to knit the leg warmer thing! It will be perfect thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. tiffandcoco says:

      Glad you got a good idea! Feel free to let us know how it goes, I would love to see it! ❤ – Coco

      Liked by 1 person

  5. These are some great tips! As a university chick on a budget, these were extremely helpful to me. Thank you. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. tiffandcoco says:

      Glad I could help! I live for a budget and making the most of my clothes! Thanks for stopping by ❤ – Coco


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