3 Way to Spice Up Your Beauty Routine

The new year is all about shredding the drab and leveling up. Whether it’s a career change, financial security or a style overhaul; we all look to the new year as a fresh start.  I have a lot of goals and many things in my life that I want to revamp.  Along with growing some healthier hair, I really want to start trying some new beauty looks and begin to be more comfortable in the things that I love.  In trying to do so I came up with these three things that have been really helpful for me this year.


Every year people making vision board of thing they want in life or style boards to go with the season. I use this method not to remember makeup looks I want to create. My makeup pins I keep in a folder on my phone, but if an actual (or Pinterest) board works for you, get your life. The ideas is to find photos of bomb makeup looks that you want to try and keep them close so that you’re inspired.  I really love my pins because they keep me from going to my go-to golden bronze eye. Below are some of my favorites.

(top left) @irisbeilin, (bottom left) @ellarie (bottom center)@maahjulia
(top center)@styleit, (right)@kimthainguyen


This one is super easy and super fun. What I did was take a full inventory of my lipsticks. I wrote each brand and color on a slip of paper and put it in a little box on my dresser.  If I’m feeling like it’s going to be a lipstick day I reach in the box and let fate pick a color.  I like this because it’s exciting.  It forces me put on the colors I bought and like but hardly wear.  A lot of times I leave the house thinking “damn I forgot how good I look in this lipstick.” You can also incorporate this #NoBareLips challenge during the month of your choice for some added fun.




I used my playlist one the reg. I’m really bad about getting way too tired and not twisting my hair I night. This leads to many frantic mornings trying not to look homeless.  My playlist is jam packed with hairstyle ideas that I have follow super quickly or modify to fit my needs.  Having a premade (and organized) list of hair videos for all occasions helps save me from wasting hella time surfing YouTube when I really should already be dressed and in the car.


Like these tips? Comment below with other tips you’d like to see shared of Tiff&Coco. Be sure to hit the like button and share this post with all your beauty loving friends.  Head over to my Instagram to see how these tips work for me!


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Tiff + Coco says:

    Thanks so much for reading. This has been my favorite new thing of the year. I’ve really enjoyed revisiting brands + colors and also my students reactions when I go to work. They haven’t seen me any much outside of red.

    Glad you enjoyed!


  2. lamamahada says:

    I love the idea of having a box filled with lipstick names. I’m guilty of having a ton of lipsticks I love but don’t touch. I need to try this! Great post. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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