Natural Hair Myths Debunked

With so much information about natural hair going around it’s hard to decipher what’s real and what’s just hair hype.  There are always tons of vlogger and bloggers pushing the latest products and techniques that it’s almost impossible to keep up and feel secure in your natural journey. Today I’m debunking 5 natural hair myths that I’ve heard so much throughout my journey but haven’t been proven to be law.

Related Post: Tips for New Naturals

1. It doesn’t have to be a struggle

People do a lot of complaining about natural hair, but it really doesn’t have to be a struggle.  If you know what products work and what days are best for you to wash it- natural life is a breeze.  It’s definitely more upkeep than wrapping your hair for the night, but it is manageable.

2. You don’t have to forego washing your hair

Being natural is not about having the dirtiest hair. I’ve heard tons of naturals who have been nurturing their hair for years say that they wash their hair about once a month.  This may be the best practice for them, BUT this isn’t the case for everyone. The most important thing about being natural is finding out how your hair works best. Your wash schedule will depend on the amount of product you use and how they affect your curls. Be cautious of the amount of build up at your scalp and a density in your strands.  ALSO keep in mind that shampoo is not bad. Every now and then you hair and scalp with need a really good deep cleaning. Some people prefer baking soda followed by a vinegar rinse, but others are still very satisfied with shampoo. Baking soda was very stripping on my hair so I’m a shampoo girl. When looking for a shampoo I try to pick something with nourishing ingredients. I love SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil

3. Product Junkie Probs

Though many naturals are, being a product junkie is not a requirement. You’ll often see blogger/vloggers posts about different products, but that is the nature of the beast. Honestly the fewer products the better.  I’ve accumulated a lot of products as I went through my trial and error phase, but now that I know what works I rarely use the majority of products on  my shelf. If you’re just starting out pick up a few things and really give them a good test individually.  This will allow you to see what is actually working and what products you could use a better version of.  I would also give new products a try on wet and dry hair to see what they’re truly capable of before writing them off.

4. Pre-pooing isn’t the law

I don’t pre-poo because to me it doesn’t make any sense. If I’m going to wash my hair why the heck am I going to waste product by adding it right before? I have seen absolutely no significant results from pre-pooing.  It may be good after braids or a sew-in if your hair is REALLY brittle, but I don’t see the point in doing it for regular washes.

5. Shedding means your hair is damaged

False! According to the American Academy of Dermatology it’s normal to shed between 50 to 100 hair a day. Since natural hair is more tightly wound and experiences less manipulation, hair that has shed can often stay perched in your fro.  Often when wash day comes or you decide to do some twists running your hands through your hair can cause all of the shedded pieces to fall at once.  This can cause it to look as though you’re losing tons of hair at once. Definitely make sure that your hair is properly moisturized and that you’re being gentle when detangling, but don’t blow a gasket.

Did I miss a myth? Debunk it in the comments below!

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Clean, Clear Complexion-Nashvile,TN-


2 Comments Add yours

  1. jasminesaun says:

    Great read!


  2. Co-sign completely!!! There are so many conflicting (albeit knowledgable) voices out there regarding natural hair, that it can be so overwhelming! Learning what YOUR HAIR responds best to is the first step in happy, healthy hair!!

    Liked by 1 person

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